Why clean water is so important

HOPE UK clean water projects in Ethiopia are community-driven and serve as the starting point for comprehensive transformation.


More than two million deaths occur annually from waterborne diseases such as cholera and dysentery, the majority of which are children under the age of six. 

Children living in the developing world are 520 times more likely to die from water-borne diseases than children living in Europe and North America. All of these deaths are preventable. Clean water from wells and capped water spring sources can prevent much of the suffering that results from the use of water from contaminated sources such as ponds and muddy creek beds. 

The problems associated with contaminated water are made worse by a lack of adequate sanitation facilities. One-third of the world’s population lacks access to basic sanitation facilities, and in the developing world there is insufficient knowledge regarding proper hygienic practices and the sanitary disposal of excrement. By improving hygiene and waste disposal practices, personal health can be dramatically improved.

There is more than enough water in our world for domestic, agricultural and industrial needs.

The pressing issue is not a lack of water, but the poor’s lack of access to clean water. The poor are often denied access to water due to a lack of economic resources, limited legal rights or by destructive public policies. 

While water suitable for drinking is important to all people, improved access to an uncontaminated water supply is particularly beneficial to women. In many developing nations, women are responsible for the collection of water for domestic use. Young girls are often taken out of school to help with this chore, which requires hours of walking to and from a water source many kilometres away. As a result, their education and the promise of a better life suffer greatly.

By providing access to safe, clean water alongside health and sanitation education, HOPE encourages practices that positively affect family health.

Women are also taught about family planning and other health and life strategies which lead to empowerment. Moreover, women with access to clean water are less likely to contract water-related illnesses and will spend less time caring for sick family members. 

Every person deserves the opportunity to enjoy a life free from easily preventable diseases, and access to an uncontaminated water supply affords them this opportunity. Access to uncontaminated water acts a catalyst for both HOPE’s development work and HOPE’s goal of supporting people’s desire to be free from a life of chronic poverty. 

If you are interested in learning more about our work in Ethiopia or would like to develop a relationship between us and your business, school, or church, please contact us. 

Email us at admin@hope-international.org.uk